PMAP Cohort

Created: November 3, 2022\ Last Modified: January 29th, 2023

  1. Create dataframe with Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) related hospital stays w/ ICU and its readmission labels from the Precision Medicine Analytics Platform (PMAP) data.
  2. Data Visualization for data quality checks.

Author: Vina Ro

Get real hospital stays by verifying billing info and patient whereabouts

Create DataFrame of hospital stays w/ ICU stays.

Dataframe contains osler_sid, pat_enc_csn_sid, hospital admission time, hospital discharge time, ICU admission time, ICU discharge time.

Checking if times in ICU is between the time period of hospital admission and discharge

Creating labels

Generating chronological dataframe by performing shift operations

  1. had_readmission_for_icustays: patient has readmission AND the first hospital stay is an ICU stay.
  2. time_bt: time btw 2 consecutive admissions in days.
  3. had_readmission_for_icustays_1to30: patient has readmission w the first hospital stay being an ICU stay AND time btw 2 consecutive stays is >=1 and <= 30 days.
  4. had_readmission_for_icustays_less24: patient has readmission w the first hospital stay being an ICU stay AND time btw 2 consecutive stays is < 1 day.

Checking instances where time_bt < 0, i.e. wrong entries.

There are only 3 instances where the readmission times are negative in the CHF_adm dataframe. After investigating, it doesn't affect the analysis in our case since all the stays that generate a negative readmission time are not directly after an index hospital stay w/ an ICU stay.

Label 0

  1. Readmissions less than 24 hours (including part-rehab)
    • Had readmission w index hospital stay w/ ICU and time between is less than 24 hrs.
  2. No readmissions at all OR Readmissions > 30 days
    • No readmission after index hospital stay w/ ICU OR readmission after index hospital stay w/ ICU > 30 days.
  3. Faux readmissions
    • Had readmission in adm-faux after index hospital stay w/ ICU.

Label 1

  1. Had readmission from >= 24hr and < 30 days
    • had readmission w first ICU hospital stay and time between is 1-30 days.
  2. Readmission w/in 1-30 days (part-rehab)
    • had readmission after first ICU hospital stay in part-rehab that are w/in 1-30 days.

Data Visualization

1. Number of CHF Hospital Stays w/ ICU Stays Per Patient

2. Total time in ICU Per Hospital Stay w/ ICU Stay

3. Total time in ICU Per Hospital Stay w/ ICU Stay (Zoomed in)

4. Days btw CHF Hospital Stay w/ ICU and its Next Readmission